Pragmafix is server-based software that PROVIDES training and guides for those of you who want to learn to be mobile phone technicians and for those mobile phone technicians that want to deepen their knowledge and expertise.
This is a revolutionary online learning product or mobile phone technician course born by Micromedia HPTC which has almost 21 years of experience teaching mobile phone technicians in Indonesia and in other countries through cellphone technician training activities held face-to-face (offline) for this.
Due to the condition of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is deemed necessary to organize training activities that follow the applicable standards in Indonesia and other countries with the expertise approach to repair the latest cases the results of our continuous research.
Pragmafix will continue to provide you with thousands of pages of mobile phone and laptop repair manuals in several languages, Indonesian, English, Persian, and Hindi, if there is a request, other languages. will be added according to the language in your country.
Pragmafix also gives you access to take part in private mobile phone and laptop technician training videos, so that you have a personal mentor who will teach you how to do mobile phone and laptop repair in a hundred hours of lessons that will be given gradually in this Pragmafix software, Pragmafix software will also help technician daily works.
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